The Coffin Ritual

Leaves With You is here to make the coffin that is right for you. We will listen to your story in order to make sure your coffin celebrates the life that is passing. The core of the coffin weaving ritual takes place with you, your family, your friends, and anyone you wish to be a part of celebrating your life, or the life of your passing loved one.


A color with meaning

Coffins can be personalized by color. The color might represent something about the passing soul, or be emblematic of an idea or feeling around which the family chooses to gather.

Leaves With You uses only natural dyes and can work with a variety of elements from the Earth that have meaning to your story.


To give you a little inspiration, the yellow rope was dyed with turmeric and achiote. This pink rope was dyed with leftover red onion skins.

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 Who is this coffin for?


In preparation for your nearing end of life

If you are preparing for your death, can work with us to create a beautiful ritual tailored to your needs. We can weave your coffin over the timeframe that works best for you.

To be used later

We can create your coffin to be stored away for later use if your end of life is not nearing, but you wish to be prepared. It stores flat!

You are purchasing this coffin for yourself


In preparation for your loved one’s nearing end of life

If you are preparing for your loved one’s death, you can work with us to create a beautiful ritual tailored to your family and loved one’s needs. We can weave your coffin over the timeframe that works best for you.

After your loved one has already passed*

Please see the custom burial ritual page for post-mortem ritual options

*In this situation, we ask to be in contact with your Funeral Director or Death Doula

You are purchasing this coffin for someone else


You are purchasing this coffin for a non-human animal

Animal companion coffins coming soon!